Join the Movement!

Spread the word.

Support Your Craft.

If you understand the power of Imagery and have an audience who might appreciate our program, I invite you to consider joining our growing army of bloggers, podcasters, teachers, coaches and other influencers who are helping spread the word while receiving up to 70% of each sale to help support their craft or organization.

( Makes a great Fundraiser! )

Our fully automated Affiliate Program is supported by and managed on the Kartra platform - ensuring the entire process is transparent, professional and our partners are paid on-time and on-point.


If you're interested in offering the V30X Training Program to your audience, or would just like more information, send an email to:

w/the Subject Line: Affiliate Program

Please include your company name/website along with any details you can share about your audience.


I look forward to hearing from you.  We'll be in touch!